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Frequently Asked Questions
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4 FAQs matched your search criteria.
How do I process a proration on startup of a new membership? a new plan for an existing member?
How do I set up prorations for my site?
How do I set up the Clickable Floorplan?*
What reports should I monitor to run an efficient center?
Help Topics
General Inquiry
IT Support - Wifi/Network/Printe
Software Feedback
Software Issue (Help with Deskwo
1. Initial Deskworks Setup
2. Billing Information*
3. Calendar Features and Functionality
Availability Report Setup*
Credit Card Processing*
Floorplan, Clickable*
Google Calendar Sync (Liquidspace & others)
Network Check-in and Member Tracking
Notifications, automatic emails*
Permissions: Setting Permission Levels for Admins, Members, Franchises, API
Printer connection
Privacy, Security and GDPR*
Quickbooks Integration
Security Deposits
Setting up a Franchise or Network of Facilities
Setting up Languages
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