Frequently Asked Question

How Do I Know When a Member Will Be Automatically Billed?*
Last Updated about a month ago

Any Active Member that has an active Recurring Billing(s) will be automatically billed and have payments processed on their Next Billed Date.

To find the Next Billed Date for a Recurring Billing:

  • Select the member from User Search
  • Go to BILLING > RECURRING BILLING. Next Billed Date displays on the main screen.
    • Note: If there are multiple Recurring Billings that all share the same Next Billed Date, they will bill together on a single invoice.
  • Invoices are generated several days ahead of time. To see how many days ahead of time
    • Go to SETUP > SETTINGS.
    • View the SWEEP area.
    • There you’ll find “Create Invoice __ Days In Advance of Charge”, where you can control how many days ahead of the Next Billed Date invoices are created.
      • Ex: if the Next Billed Date is 10/1/21, and the Create Invoice __ Days in Advance of Charge is “3”, then the order will be generated 3 days before 10/1/21, or 9/29/21. The Recurring Billing charge will not appear in Deskworks until that date.

If you are looking for how a non-member (without a Recurring Billing) is billed, see: How Do I Know When a Non-member Has Been Billed? 

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