Frequently Asked Question

How do I void a payment?*
Last Updated about a month ago

Credit card and ACH payments do not actually "post", i.e. process, until the end of the day. Because of this, they can be voided anytime before the posting. Check with your processor if you aren't sure what your post time is.

Before a credit card is processed, you can VOID the charge through DeskWorks. After it posts, you can REFUND directly through DeskWorks.

  • Click BILLING > POST PAYMENTS/CHARGES, select the order for which you want to void a payment.
  • You will see a red X next to the payment if you can still void it. Click the red X. The payment is gone and won't process at the end of the day.
  • **Some banks put a hold on a payment even though you voided it. The payment will not go through, but the bank may keep the hold on for a few days.

If you voided a transaction directly in (or another gateway), you can no longer void the payment in DeskWorks. To get the DeskWorks record straight:

  • Use ADD A REFUND in the order in question, but process it as CASH or OTHER.
  • In Comments, note that the refund was processed directly through your gateway.
  • Process a new payment as needed.

Note: A full payment can be voided; you can refund a partial amount of the payment.

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