Frequently Asked Question

How do I remove a specific reservation unit from inventory and assign it to a specific member?*
Last Updated 5 months ago

New Member/Registration by Admin: On the New Member Registration page (Members>Register New Member), in the “Membership” area select the appropriate Reservation Unit from the “Make a Matching Reservation Unit unavailable” drop-down menu. This Reservation Unit is now directly connected to the member's recurring billing. The Availability Report will show the price paid for the recurring billing with discount, in the occupancy section, and give you a total value for all of your occupied space.

Existing/Self-Registered Member: In Billing>Recurring Billing select the recurring billing and find the “Make a Matching Reservation Unit Unavailable” drop-down. Select the appropriate Reservation Unit.

If you are not finding the Reservation Unit needed in the “Make a Matching Reservation Unit Unavailable” drop down, check Inventory>Reservation Units and select the unit. Reset “Who Can Reserve” to “Available”. That unit should now appear.

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