Frequently Asked Question

Last Updated about a month ago

There are 5 different kinds of Products you can create in Deskworks: Registration, Membership, Rental Hours, Print, and Services. Products are broken into these distinct types based on differing options available for each type.

Membership Products:

  1. Name: This is the name of your product, as it will appear throughout your Deskworks system and on all invoices.
  2. Description: Product Descriptions are public facing only for Membership Products, which you can make available for Self-Registration, and for Rental Hours products displayed on the Book It Now calendar.
  3. Item Category: Drop-down menu to select the appropriate Product Category.
  4. Item Number: A 2-digit number unique to the product. This number only has to be unique within the chosen Item Category (e.g. You should not have two products with the code “2-0100” - each product in the “2-01” Item Category should have a unique Item Number after it - "2-0100", "2-0101", "2-0102", etc.)
  5. Product Type: Select between Membership, Registration, Rental Hours, Print and Services – your selection determines the settings available for the Product.
  6. Membership Category: Select the most appropriate. See Membership Category section above for more information.
  7. Billing Frequency: You can set memberships to automatically bill either by the Month, Quarter, Semi-Annual (6 mo.), Annual (1 year), or As Needed (Pay as you go/Punchcard/Bucket of hours or days). Keep in mind – if you set up a member with ONLY a Quarterly, Semi Annual, or Annual product as their Recurring Billing, reservations and other usage will NOT be captured each month.
  8. Has Reservation Credit: Check this box if you want members on this plan to receive credits for use of meeting rooms or other spaces. Reservation Credits can be used toward reservations of ANY of your spaces that you allow credits to be used for.
  9. Has Passes: Check this box if this plan includes a certain number of days or hours (or if you want the plan to track usage of day passes or hours in a specific room.)
  10. Product To Use For Pass: This menu is only available if you check the box “Has Passes”. The drop-down menu will list all your Rental Hours products – select one to give to members with this product.
  11. Count Check Ins per: This menu is only available if you check the box “Has Passes”. Set to “Co-member" if you want Co-members checked in simultaneously to be counted separately (e.g. if two co-members are checked in for one hour and have passes for Café 1 Hour product, two Café 1 Hour passes will be used). Set to “Company” if you want check ins to count only towards organizations as a whole (e.g. if two co-members are checked in for one hour and have passes for Café 1 Hour product, only a single Café 1 Hour pass will be deducted).
  12. Can only Reserve During Non-Member Hours: If checked, any member with this product set as their Recurring Billing will only be able to book rooms on your Reservation Calendar during Non-Member hours (see Reservation Units section below for more on Member/Non-member calendar rules).
  13. Taxable: Only applies if you have set up a Tax in Setup>Facilities. If Tax is created and this box is checked, additional Tax fee at the rate defined in Setup>Facilities will be applied to all orders with this product automatically.
  14. Show for Self-Registration: Check this box if you want members to be able to self-register for this product.
  15. Has Registration Fee: Check if you want your Registration products to automatically apply to the first order automatically created for newly registered members on this product.
  16. Security Deposit Amount: Automatically applies a security deposit of the amount entered when a new Recurring Billing for this Membership is created.

Registration Products:

Registration is added to the initial invoice for new members IF their membership calls for a Registration Fee. See Membership Products above for field-specific instructions.You should only need one Registration product, since its price can be different on each of your Pricelists. (Contact us if you have some specific requirements that you want to discuss.)

Rental Hours Products:

These products tie to your calendar in order to correctly bill for reservations and day passes.

  1. Name: This is the name of your product, as it will appear on invoices and reports. Remember this should mention the space AND time, i.e. Conference Room, per hour.
  2. Description: Rental Hours Product descriptions are not public facing.
  3. Item Category: Drop-down menu to select the appropriate Product Category.
  4. Item Number: A 2-digit number unique to the product. This number only has to be unique within the chosen Item Category (e.g. You should not have two products with the code “2-0100” - each product in the “2-01” Item Category should have a unique Item Number after it - "2-0100", "2-0101", "2-0102", etc.)
  5. Product Type: Select Rental Hours – your selection determines the remaining settings available for the Product.
  6. Can Be Used With Reservation Credits: Check this box if you would like members with Reservation Credits to be able to use them towards the room this product applies to.
  7. Can Be Bought on Splash Page: Applies only to Deskworks clients with our Network Check In feature. If you have Network Check In, the Splash Page is your sign-in screen that pops up when people connect to your internet. If you would like non-members visiting your location to be able to buy the product self-serve, checking this box will create a link for them to do so – all they have to do is connect to your network and follow the prompts. The non-member will then have a network connection until the end of the pass they chose.
  8. Taxable: Only applies if you have set up a Tax in Setup>Facilities. If Tax is created and this box is checked, tax at the rate defined in Setup>Facilities will be applied to all orders automatically.
  9. Pass Size (hours): Note the number of hours included in this product. For example, in Rental Hours Products screenshot above we see a “Conference Room Lg., per Day” product. It’s Pass Size is “8” which means that this product applies to reservations that are 8 or more hours. Conference Room, Lg., per Hour, would have a Pass Size of “1.”
  10. Min. Time Billed after First Pass: This menu sets how you will bill for time above the Pass Size. If a user exceeds the highest pass time available, they can be billed in ¼ hour, ½, 1 hour, or 2 hour increments. For example, if a member books a room that is only billed per hour, the Pass Size for that Product would be 1. If the member books 1.5 hours in that room, if you have the Min. Time Billed after First Pass set to “1/4 hr” they will be billed for 1 hour plus 0.25 of an hour, and another 0.25 of an hour. If you set the Min. Time Billed After First Pass to 1 Hour, though, then if they booked for 1.5 they would be billed for 2 hours, since the minimum time that can be billed for is 1 hour after the first pass is billed.
  11. Max Passes Billed in 24 Hour Period: Limits the number of passes that can be billed in a 24 period. For example, if you want members to be able to book a room for whatever length of time they wish, but they should never be billed for more than 2 hours, then you’d set this to “2” – once they’ve been billed for 2 hours on that date, they will not be billed for their further time in that specific room. Unless you have a good reason to do otherwise, do not limit the hours charged.
  12. Reservation Category: The Reservation Category acts as the bridge or middle-man between your Reservation Calendar and the cost for the reservation on different Pricelists. All your Reservation Units will also have a Reservation Category setting.

Note: Deskworks has a built-in Time/Price Comparator. When a member makes a reservation, Deskworks will first look to see what Reservation Category the room reserved is in. The software will then review all Rental Hours Products with that same Reservation Category and select the most appropriate Rental Hours product to use for billing based on Pass Size/Price (e.g. if a 5 hour reservation is made and there are three Rental Hours Products in the Reservation Category, with Pass Sizes respectively of 1, 4, and 8 hours, Deskworks will use the one that produces the lowest cost for the user. This eliminates people coming to you thinking they have been overcharged.)

Print Products:

Print Products are very straightforward – simply name them and select whether they are Taxable. You’re done!

Service Products:


‌Service Products are any products that do not fit into another type. This can include anything from Admin services (such as document creation, filing work, etc.), storage, parking, food and beverages – anything at all. All setup for Service Products is the same as mentioned above, but there are two things to point out:

  1. Billing Frequency: Services, like Membership Products, can be set up as Recurring Billings for your members (so, for instance, you can charge them automatically each month for Parking, etc.). This is why “Billing Frequency” is included in settings for this Product Type.
  2. Hide for Self-Registration: Services can be added to an initial bill via Self-Registration by the member themselves. If you do not want a particular service to be visible to your members during Self-Registration, check the box to “Hide for Self-Registration”.

Adding Pricelists:

Once you’ve completed setting up the options discussed above, you’ll need to click Save. When you do this, a new section of the Product Edit page titled “Pricelists” will open that looks like this:


‌This is the section of a Product where you will define the Cost, Reservation Credit balance, and Pass balance for the product. To add a Pricelist to the Product, click “Add a Pricelist” and select the pricelist you wish to add from the menu that appears.

Adding Pricelists to Membership Products


‌Membership Products should only ever have ONE Pricelist attached to them, and that Pricelist must be set to work with Members. If you attach multiple Pricelists to a Membership, the system will always default to applying the price from the first Pricelist added to the Product, or the least expensive Pricelist option if pricing differs.

Depending on what boxes you checked while setting up a Membership Product, you’ll have the following fields to fill in:

Passes: Enter the amount of passes you wish the member to receive per month/quarter/year/etc.

Credit: Enter the amount of Credits you wish the member to receive per month/quarter/year/etc. (Credits can be in either dollars or hours – see Setup>Settings>Reservations>Reservation Credit Unit)

Price: Enter the price of for the product.

When you’ve entered values for all fields, click the checkmark icon to the right of the Price field to save.

Adding Pricelists to All Other Products -


All Products aside from Membership can have as many Pricelists as you would like. If you do not attach an existing Pricelist to a Product, any user on that Pricelist (see their Members>View/Edit Profile screen) will NOT be billed for using that product – this is especially important for Rental Hours products/reservation billing.

Once you’ve added all appropriate Pricelists to a Product, enter the price for each Pricelist. Finally, click the checkmark icon to save the price you’ve entered. You’re done!

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