Frequently Asked Question

How does Deskworks' SmartSearch work?
Last Updated 3 months ago

Deskworks' SmartSearch simplifies finding members, co-members, invoices -- pretty much anything you want to find -- with one quick tool.


The SmartSearch icon is found in the top left of your banner image in Deskworks. Click it and type in a few characters of a first name, last name, address, phone, email, mailbox name, invoice number -- even a product name or mail information. 


SmartSearch will return all the information you're looking for, sorted by where it's used. Just click the link to take you directly where you want to go.

SmartSearch is particularly helpful when processing mail. Search for the name displayed on the mail piece, and the mailbox will appear, whether the name is a member, co-member, company or has been added under Mailbox Names.

Looking for a particular invoice? Just start typing the number. You don't have to go to the Invoice Log or know the name of the Member or Company.

Do you just have Payor information? That works, too! Enter the name, click the link, and you'll be taken right to the correct account.

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