Frequently Asked Question

Placepay Integration
Last Updated 2 years ago

Deskworks integrates with Placepay for managing payment methods, including both credit cards and ACH. 

With the Placepay integration:

  • Payors have complete control over their payments.
  • Payment processing charges are directly charged each client by Placepay and the payment processing fees never hit your bank account. (Deskworks has a feature that allows you to set a rate to charge clients for payment processing fees. With this feature, their processing fees go into your bank account, and your processor charges you for payment processing.)
  • When someone registers for membership in your center, in the last step, they are taken to the Placepay site to add their payment method and approve automatic monthly charges. 
  • For members who do not use website registration, they can add a payment method to their account in Deskworks by logging in and going to BILLING>CREDIT CARD/ACH INFO. 
    • imageNote: you should include instructions in your Welcome Letter directing people to add their payment method this way.
  • When non-members make a reservation through your website, they are automatically taken to the Placepay site to enter their payment method.
    • Note: Staff cannot do this for them. A payment method can only be added using the login/password of the person whose payment method is being added.

To set up the integration

  • Contract with Placepay for their services and set up your Placepay account.
  • Open a ticket in Deskworks and request deployment of the Placepay integration.
  • Once it is deployed to you, go to SETUP>INTEGRATIONS SETUP
  • Under PLACEPAY INTEGRATION, enter your Public and Private API Keys. 
  • You will see each of your centers listed. From the Deposit Account dropdown, select the correct Deposit Account for each center.
  • Add a credit card to a test account and r
  • un a small test payment to confirm setup.
  • image 
    • You will see a report of all your members with their connection to their Placepay payment method.
      • If the connection can't be made automatically, but email addresses match in the two systems, you can click to approve the connection.
      • If no payment method exists in Placepay for a member, you will see this and can either send a message asking the person to login to Deskworks and add their payment method or wait until their next billing cycle.

All done!

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