Frequently Asked Question

What reports should I monitor to run an efficient center?
Last Updated 5 years ago

These reports should be reviewed regularly to ensure your center is operating efficiently, and you don’t have things falling through cracks:
Recurring Billings Report, pulled in Next Bill Date order:
Check to be sure there are no Next Bill Dates in the past. If there are, the RB will not automatically charge again. This can happen if a new RB was entered after the monthly sweep had occurred, but before payment was taken on the 1st of the next month. Also review the report to be sure it makes sense to you, that someone isn’t getting a service that they aren’t paying for.
Accounts Receivable Report: Be sure you are collecting all of your receivables before the start of the next month.
Credit Balance Report: Be sure there are no credits (or overpayments sitting on someone’s account that don’t belong there. These credits can be for some of the following reasons:
  • A payment was applied without a charge posted on the account against the payment. Typically, you can apply an appropriate charge.
  • A discount was applied on the account, but wasn’t taken. It may be appropriate to remove the discount. Alternatively, you could combine the order with another one that has an open charge.
  • A pro-rated charge was applied, but the member paid a full charge.
  • You took a pre-payment, but then entered a whole new order, with a charge and payment, leaving the initial pre-payment sitting on the account.
Write Off Report: Review what has been written off over a period of time to be sure it is all approved.
Membership Report and Recurring Billings Report in Company order: Pull the Membership Report for Active Members. Be sure that there is an RB for each member. If you see a member without an RB, do you have a reason for wanting them to be an active member without one? If not, inactivate them.
Availability Report: Are your available/unavailable spaces showing correctly? Do you have a full-time price for each of your spaces available to be taken full-time?

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