Frequently Asked Question

How do I set up the connection from my Printer's Usage Report to Deskworks?
Last Updated 6 years ago

The Printer History Report from any commercial printer can be uploaded directly to Deskworks. It's then a 1-click to post all the printer usage charges to all of your members' accounts.

Map your Printer History Report to Deskworks:
  • Download a copy of the Printer History Report from your printer. It may be called something different, but this report shows each member's printer usage over a period of time.
Deskworks has a few standard formatting types for reports generated from printers. Most will fall under the Canon formatting type, which totals prints and copies from the last time the counter was reset. (Let us know if your printer report looks very different.)

1. Enter the Column Header Title of the columns from the report as follows under PLEASE MAP THE FOLLOWING FIELDS FROM YOUR PRINTER UPLOAD REPORT (.CSV)
  • Printer Formatting Type -- from the dropdown, select the printer that most closely  matches the columns from your printer's usage report.
  • Printer Code Column Header -- this is the name of the column that shows the Printer Code for each of your members, i.e. the code used by an individual that allows them to print and identifies them.
  • You will then have a column (similar to the Sharp format) that identifies the "Job Mode", i.e. whether the usage is a print, scan, copy or fax; or you will have separate columns that count each of these functions. Enter the column headers accordingly.
  • B&W Count Column Header and Full Color Count Column Header -- enter the title of the columns for these two counts.
2. Map your PRINT products from your inventory, so that we know how to bill for the B&W, Color, Scan and Fax counts.
  • Under PLEASE MAP THE PART NUMBERS FOR, choose the correct product from the dropdown that you want the designated count billed at. 
  • You have the ability to add break points, i.e. charge a different amount for a greater amount of printing in the month. Click + to add an additional dropdown field and select the quantities for which you want this product used.
  • You can add free copies here, or add them under individual Membership Plans.
3. SAVE.

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